Thursday, February 18, 2010

Forward Thinking Local Government Initiates New Policy

I am pleased to announce that today I was a member of a crack team involved in translating innovative local government policy:

Public policy from Muang district group

The creative policy is:

1. Do not drink soft drinks, including Pepsi and Coca Cola.
2. Do not add extra sugar to food.
3. Do not eat junk food.
4. The Health Ministry advises children to eat fruit every day.
5. Exercise for good health.

The Health and Education Ministries needs help from all Thai people for healthy children.

Children should not eat junk food. Not quite the caliber I was expecting from a lofty title like creative policy.


  1. You could add to that "don't ride motorcycles they are even worse for your health and that of your friends.By the way they are designed to carry two people."

  2. It's interesting as I was getting submerged into Thai foods I remember saying to a friend, "It's a wonder that Thais don't have diabetes, there is sugar in everything."

    Later I heard that diabetes is on the rise in Thailand. Is your work related to this? Or were you not given that much information? :P

  3. Lani,
    You got that right. Food is generally sweet to start with and then sugar is often added.
    As for the “creative policy,” I’m not really involved in it. I just fine tuned the delivery from a few broken English words into a comprehensible short speech that will be delivered by one of my students at a public event which will herald the policy.

  4. Quite amazing information and it could have Coca Cola and every white toothed dentist around filing lawsuits against the Thai government. I think the village kids need reminding fruit is good for you and don't add extra sugar to your food is a revelation. The local government must have gone over budget compiling this report. Last minute creativity with an empty 100 Pipers bottle laid by its side.
