Thursday, February 4, 2010

Post Apocalyptic School

It was Thursday morning, and though I didn’t know it, the entire school had been sent home. My new ally, h1n1, had made great strides in infecting the normal program population. Swine flu, it’s not just for rich kids.

I had gone to Bangkok on Wednesday to complete some paperwork, and was thus unaware of any school closure. Driving the motorcycle into the side gate, I was perplexed by the absence of students. The silence and stillness, was odd, pleasant. Post apocalyptic school.

A year ago, I would have been angry that I hadn’t been informed, but now I was merely happy to make my way to the parking lot without having to avoid suicidal 3rd graders darting in front of the bike. I signed in at the office and went to my classroom. No students yelled out,



“Good morning”

Or popular amongst some boys,

“Fox you.”

I wasted time on the internet and went to lunch early with Ajarn Franco and Ajarn Stolidity. A few beers and a papaya salad later I decided I didn’t really feel like going back. Instead I went home and took a nap. A good day.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you! I was out cycling the other day by the local primary school(or whatever you guys call them) when I chanced upon a group of escaping kids.

    Hello, hello, hello, from the girls, three to a bike and happy to be going home.

    The lads however were a different kettle of fish, fox you, fox you,etc.

    Don't you just love Thailand?
